Saturday, November 20, 2004

Sean Hannity in Boise

Sean Hannity arrived onstage shortly before 8:30 AM in the Jordan Ballroom of the BSU/SUB. He was running a bit late having only arrived in Boise at 2:00AM after winning $1,000 in Las Vegas the night before. (He had taken Friday off of his radio show--Curtis Sliwa of the Guardian Angels filled in for him.) He was introduced by Idaho Gov. Dirk Kempthorne. Prior to their arrival, two marines in full dress uniform entered and received a standing ovation.

Sean Hannity entered to a standing ovation wearing a BSU Broncos sweatshirt which he later gave to a child seated near the front. He spent about tw0 hours speaking on such subjects as Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger (the "Governator"), the election of "W" to a second term, the dedication of the Clinton Presidential Library, Hillary's swing to the "conservative" label in the run-up to her inevitable presidential run in 2008, as well as his 3 hour radio show, his hour long show Hannity & Colmes on FOX News, and his Hannitization tour.

2 large screens on either side of the auditorium showed Gov. Kempthorne, then Sean, making sure everyone could see them clearly.

Each seat had a bumper sticker in it that said:


Sean's latest book, DELIVER US FROM EVIL, was on sale at the foot of the stairs as well as the paperback version of his first book LET FREEDOM RING, by one of the sponsors of the event, a Nampa bookstore. KBOI sold T-shirts with Sean's picture on the back, and the 670 KBOI logo on the front beneath the words: HANNITIZATION OF AMERICA TOUR. After Sean finished talking, he signed books and posed for some pictures with some of the guests; several times holding a baby. Other sponsors of the event included TACO BELL and DRS (Debt Reduction Services).

Afterward, Sean was hustled off to the airport and his second stop, and last for the day, of his Hannitization Tour.


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